Wednesday, August 17, 2011

There are big courses, and then there are BIG courses

Having TA'd large lecture courses in grad school, I know how much work goes into teaching them.  But this is an entirely different scale:

“Stanford University has opened up to the public an introductory artificial intelligence class, taught by two luminaries in the field: 70,000 people have signed up to receive registration information for the course (” 

70,000 is a lot of assignments to grade.  I feel feel sorry for the TA’s.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Bill O'Reilly is Such an Embarassment

Bill O'Reilly's gall, hubris and ignorance are astounding:
Fox has to get rid of him. Who cares how much money he brings in. If they had any standards, they'd let him go. Stephen Colbert put it best (after the Anderson Cooper bit). O'Reilly's understanding of the world really is from the 13th century.